Popular FAQ’s


If you have a question, feel free to email us at gimc@girlsinc-monroe.org.

What is Girls Inc. of Monroe County?

Girls Inc. of Monroe County is a 501(c)(3) organization that has served the Monroe County community since 1974. We are an affiliate of the national youth organization Girls Inc., a research-based, education, and direct advocacy organization that inspires all girls to be strong, smart, and bold.

Girls Inc. provides vital educational programs and summer enrichment to girls ages 5 – 17 to help them develop the values and skills they need to become confident, productive, and responsible adults. Our programs and activities are offered at our center in Bloomington and school and community sites throughout Monroe County.

What are Girls Inc.’s key program activities?

Girls Inc. programs are available for three major age groups: elementary, middle school and high school. Our programs are designed to help girls:

  • Improve Self-Esteem
  • Boost Grades
  • Become Active In Their Communities
  • Explore Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math
  • Become Economically Independent Women

What makes Girls Inc. unique?

Girls Inc. programming:

  • Is comprehensive, including modules that develop across four age groups, building on learning from one area to another, rather than organized in short-term activities related to a variety of topics.
  • Is intentionally focused on gender equity, inspiring girls to be strong, smart & bold, and key issues like pregnancy prevention, rather than general youth development and “safer” topics.
  • Is based on high-quality, longitudinal, national evaluation research, rather than only local evaluation of program quality.
  • Is delivered by professionally trained facilitators, rather than volunteers who may not have the time or the training to offer excellent programs.
  • Includes role modeling and mentoring as key components where older girls connect with younger girls, rather than groups segregated by age.
  • Provides opportunities for girls to work with a number of adults with a variety of skills, rather than limiting the adults involved to the same one or two people over time.
  • Reaches many girls with less access to certain educational, social, and financial resources who would otherwise be left out of enrichment programs.

How can I get my daughter involved in Girls Inc.?

Parents can enroll their daughter in a program by downloading the appropriate form(s) from the website or by contacting the Girls Inc. of Monroe County’s office and filling out the necessary forms. A Girls Inc. representative will assist parents with understanding eligibility requirements and selecting the right program for their daughter.

Why is Girls Inc. a pro-girls center?

The pro-girl atmosphere allows girls to plunge into activities without worrying about whether they “belong” or not – or whether they are more or less skilled than boys. Gender-specific programming lets girls focus on their real interests, at their own pace, free from distractions and comparisons.

Girls Inc. believes and seeks to teach every girl that she has the right:

  • To prepare for interesting work and economic independence
  • To accept and appreciate her body
  • To take risks, to strive freely, and to take pride in her success
  • To express herself with originality and enthusiasm
  • To be herself and resist gender stereotypes

What are the costs of Girls Inc., programs?

Evening programming: $20 annually
Summer Camp: Varies by age
School-Based Programming: No cost to our girls

We strive to ensure that Girls Inc. programs remain affordable to our participants. Families should not be discouraged from enrolling their daughters in our programs because of the cost. Scholarships or sliding fees are available to those families who demonstrate economic need.

How can I get involved with Girls Inc. of Monroe County as a donor?

There are a variety of ways for individuals, businesses, and organizations to support Girls Inc. as a donor including our Annual Gala, Champions for Girls group, and our Corporate Partners program.

How can I get involved with Girls Inc. as a volunteer?

Volunteers play a key component in the success of Girls Inc. Volunteer opportunities are available to individuals, corporations, high school students, college students, and graduate students. Click here for additional details.

How can I obtain your programs in my school or community?

Girls Inc. of Monroe County provides programs based on program requests and funding available. Fee-based programs are also available. If you would like to start a program in your school/community please contact: Alec Blake, Director of Programming at 812-336-7313 | ablake@girlsinc-monroe.org

How is Girls Inc. of Monroe County funded?

Girls Inc. is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit, tax-exempt agency (Federal ID # 35-1277849) and operates on a carefully managed budget. 85% of our funding comes from individuals, corporations, and grants.

How does Girls Inc. compare to the YMCA, Boys & Girls Club, or Girl Scouts?

Girls Inc. takes a holistic approach to a girl’s life. Our programs focus on educational enrichment. Programs introducing career and life planning take their educational plans a step further and helps girls learn about potential careers and higher education. Members benefit from one-on-one tutoring and homework assistance. Girls also participate in health and fitness classes and work to develop a healthy body image. Other programs include pregnancy and substance abuse prevention, science, math and technology, leadership development, economic literacy, and personal safety.

Programs are designed to empower girls to set and achieve goals and make plans for their futures that will enable them to become responsible, self-sufficient women.

What else makes Girls Inc. unique? First, Girls Inc. focuses strictly on girls ages 5 -17. Second, Girls Inc. provides research-based and age-appropriate girls-only programs. Third, our programs are designed with girls in mind, and we offer a place where they have the opportunity to grow, learn, and play in a safe, supportive environment. All programs are facilitated by Girls Inc. staff who have been trained in Girls Inc. programming.

Where is the nearest Girls Inc. of Monroe County program?

Girls Inc. of Shelbyville/Shelby County offices are located at 1108 W 8th St. Bloomington, IN, but we serve over several school sites throughout Monroe County each year.

How many staff members does Girls Inc. of Monroe County have?

Girls Inc. of Monroe County maintains a small but mighty 4+ person professional on-site staff, with an additional 5+ off-site staff working from our Shelbyville location ready to assist when needed. The organization is led by a volunteer board of directors. Click here to see a list of our staff.

What are some of the corporations that sit on your board?

Our board of directors comes from a variety of Shelby, Decatur, and Monroe County’s top businesses and educational institutions. Click here for a complete list of our board members.

Is there a Boys Inc.?

No, there is currently not an official Boys Inc. organization that is affiliated with Girls Inc.

What are the qualifications of your staff?

Our staff has a combination of experience and education in various fields of study. Most have or are currently working on a BA or BS degree. We currently have the following Bachelor’s degrees represented:

  • Finance
  • Education
  • Media
  • Multi-media
  • Business
  • Women’s Studies
  • Comparative Literature
  • Social Work
  • Child & Adolescent Development
  • Psychology & Social Behavior
  • Film
  • Human Services
  • Public Relations
  • Sociology
  • Sociology on Conflict
  • International Affairs
  • Marketing

Girls Inc. program staff also participates in national and local training, conferences, and seminars related to youth development and prevention efforts.

Does Girls Inc. collaborate with other organizations?

Yes, Girls Inc. collaborates as needed with other organizations to form mutually beneficial relationships and offer more programs and services to our girls.

How far in advance do you plan?

Girls Inc. operates on a three to five-year strategic plan. Our calendar and fiscal year runs from January to December. Our staff plans programs and activities on an ongoing basis. We accept sponsorships and donations throughout the year and use funds accordingly.

What are some of your challenges (helping girls, raising money, etc.)?

Girls Inc. operates on a limited budget, relying heavily on gift support from individuals, corporations, and grants. For every girl that we serve, there are 25 other girls in Monroe County that need our help. Click here to learn more about how you can support Girls Inc.